Trying to sell my designs makes me feel like the rose selling vendor in Oliver Twist wondering who will buy my wonderful roses. When I call a new store for the first time I feel like I am back in high school calling a boy I had a crush on. (My mom tried to tell me that girls shouldn't call boys, but I always did go after what I wanted!)The butterflies in my stomach, sweaty palms, the inability to string intelligent thoughts together. When I finally get the buyer on the phone my end of the conversation is studded with ums and half sentences tripping and awkward like a toddler getting her footing. If I am lucky enough to get a meeting it starts all over again. I am in my little studio pieces of wire flying, pearls getting swept off the table and rolling to all corners, it's like the little bluebirds in Cinderella twittering about to finish the dress in time for the ball. I am just hoping the buyer sees a beautiful silk gown instead of a burlap sack. Applying for a show is a little less exposing, but I still try to make myself sound interesting as well as pick what I hope are the photos that represent the best of my designs. With all the talented jewelry designers out there, someone is going to be left without a chair when the music stops. How you choose to view that rejection is up to you. Not all stores are going to like what you make. People have different tastes. Maybe by not getting into a certain store, you will have an opportunity to get into a different store that will be a better fit for your jewelry. Not getting accepted into a show is not the end of the world, that polite rejection letter may be freeing up the time you will need to fill that huge order from Neiman Marcus:)