It's inevitable. You put together your application filled with pretty pictures, witty words, links to your website and blog, tie it up with a big old sparkly bow and it's not accepted. It's going to happen. It's going to suck. It's going to feel as if you're back on the playground and no one wants you on their team. It's especially going to happen if your a jewelry artist vying for the small amount of open spots when there is so much talent out there. In the interest of honesty, here is what I did when I got mine today:
1. I had a teeny, tiny pity party.
2. Then I reminded myself of the shows that I did get into.
3. I thought about all the new skills I have learned and how excited I am about showing all my new stuff
4. Not to be all Oprah, but I counted my blessings
5. I looked again at the number of vendors that would be in the show (small show) and looked at the show's website to see that they already had a bunch of really amazing jewelry people. You can only have so many in one show before people get irritated that a show is "all jewelry".
6. I went and sat with my husband by our peaceful, little koi pond and felt a thousand times better!
7. I wrote them an email thanking them for their consideration and wishing them a great show and sat back down to make more jewelry.
The show must go on!