Two years ago, my amazing full of life father in law was diagnosed with cancer and we lost him a week after Thanksgiving. I have never met anyone more passionate about life and interested in everything around him. Whenever I would see him he would ask me,"What's your next show?" and this would start off an hour or so of his intent listening to me talk about my business. He would ask questions and give advice. He was a successful, self made business man who was still growing two companies after his "official" retirement and I was always so grateful that he would take the time to talk to me about my dreams and hopes for my future. He never treated my jewelry designing like a "hobby", his believing in me helped me to believe in myself. His passing left our world without his laughter, bear hugs and constant cheerleading in everything we did.
This year we were lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving in a beautiful home at the beach with family and new friends. There was lots of food, laughter, love and even some bear hugs! I am so thankful to have spent 5 days getting to know such a boisterous, life-loving group of people and am blessed to have added some new friends to my life.
Most days we enjoyed bright sunshine and mild beach breezes. One afternoon following a gray, rainy morning, a vibrant rainbow appeared over the ocean. The colors were bright and sharp against a sky fuchsia with the setting sun. We all ran for our phones and cameras to catch the moment and the miracle of it's beauty. None of our pictures captured all the colors or glowing pink sky behind it. In the end, we keep our precious memories most vibrant in our hearts.
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