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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I Fell For a Handsome Thrifter......

When I married I hoped for a man that was kind, had a great sense of humor and was easy on the eyes. I had no idea I would find that and so much more, he's a thrifter! There is not much he loves more than "bundling". Lest any of you take that as a dirty euphemism, bundling is when you (he) hunts down a bunch of thrift store finds and "bundles" them to get a better price. (See: American Pickers) Over the years he has developed a fantastic eye for the vintage pearl and rhinestone bits and pieces I like to use in my work. Not only does he enjoy hunting with me...he now goes alone! A lot of the newer pieces you see can be credited in part to his eagle eye and scouting expeditions. He will come back with a flush in his cheek, a twinkle in his eye and a plastic baggy full of sparkles and pearls. He rocks and he is pretty darn handsome!
Shaken...not stirred...

Manly enough to hold a small white poodle with a pink bow...and like it!

Keep 'em coming handsome!

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